Pastor Appreciation Days

Oct-01-2015 thru Oct-30-2015

All Pastors will be special guests of the Titanic Museum Attractions in Pigeon Forge, TN. during the complimentary Pastor Appreciation Days held in their honor.

“This is our opportunity to express our appreciation for the unselfish work and spiritual support our religious leaders provide all of us, everyday,” says Joslyn. “We know God had plans for the passengers and crew aboard the Titanic. Some would survive that night, many would not. The real question is, were the passengers and crew ready to meet Him? Whatever they faced, did they truly know God and have the peace of Salvation.”

From launch to the tragedy, Titanic is a virtual voyage of discovery, made real by the true stories and courageous actions of the passengers who met their fate that cold dark night in the Atlantic.

Their visits will also give us the chance to share with them the stories of the religious leaders on board Titanic and who gave comfort and hope.
“We look forward to welcoming our special guests during Pastors Appreciation Days and to rejoice in their service to God,” adds Joslyn.